Critical polyamorist blog
Dear readers, this is just a quick post to let you know that I will keep this blog and domain up indefinitely. But I am now writing on consensual nonmonogamy (CNM), including critical polyamory, among many more topics over at my new Substack-hosted "newsletter," Unsettle.
All of the work that I do, be it interrogating certain genomic and other scientific research and commercial activities, interrogating compulsory monogamy and marriage, or interrogating assumptions about "nature," is really about interrogating the violently imposed worldviews and structures of the Eurocentric settler-colonial state. Thus, I decided to gather and link different topics together under the broader umbrella of Unsettle. That newsletter is dedicated to unsettling the narratives and assumptions of settler-colonial thinkers and structures through an examination of Indigenous affairs, cultural politics, and decolonial thought and initiatives across different but ultimately related topics and fields. I found that I could no longer keep my "nonmonogamy" analyses separate from everything else I am thinking and writing about. I will also be migrating content from this site over to Unsettle in the form of "new" (old) posts. Some of you will be happy to know that I now do audio and written posts simultaneously on that platform. Not only is it more accessible, but I almost always write a piece to eventually speak it. I love giving talks and doing podcasting. I come from multiple oratory cultures, both my Dakota culture and also having been a kid who went to church a lot (it was an excuse to dress up!). I love to orate. See you over at Unsettle on the Substack platform. Thanks for reading, and maybe for listening.
Photo credit: Short Skirts and Cowgirl Boots by David Hensley
The Critical Polyamorist, AKA Kim TallBear, blogs & tweets about indigenous, racial, and cultural politics related to open non-monogamy. She is a prairie loving, big sky woman. She lives south of the Arctic Circle, in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. You can follow her on Twitter @CriticalPoly & @KimTallBear
August 2021